Theres a bit of COVID going around in the community

There’s a bit of COVID going around in the community, but most local schools are doing fine. St. Johnsbury School Superintendent Karen Conroy said there is no high level of COVID at the St. J school. Lyndon Institute Headmaster Brian Bloomfield said his school has a low level of COVID. Danville School Superintendent Mark Tucker said his school has a few COVID cases but not a lot. St. Johnsbury Academy Headmaster Sharon Howell said they had to cancel their “Meet the Teachers” event due to ilness but are still planning to hold their Winter Carnival next week.. The Lyndon Town School could not provide COVID information because the Kingdom East School District Superintendent, Sean McMannon, was not in on Friday and his staff said all public comments are supposed to go through the superintendent. McMannon will be in the office on Monday, said the staff.