More than 800 people have signed an open letter published Monday

LITTLETON — More than 800 people have signed an open letter published Monday calling on the Select Board to cease “detrimental” behavior. The letter — signed by a wide range of business leaders, arts supporters, local residents, and frequent visitors — expresses “grave concern” that the Select Board’s pursuit of anti-LGBTQ+ art regulations poses economic and reputational harm to the community. It is the strongest response yet to Selectwoman Carrie Gendreau, whose opposition to LGBTQ+ art and comments on the queer community have sparked a political firestorm and flooded regional, national and international media with negative stories about Littleton. The letter states, in part, “We’re saddened and troubled by this sudden turn of events and call upon the Board of Selectmen to act in the best interest of our whole community and step back from this hurtful path.” The six original signatories of the letter are a mix of “old” and “new” Littleton who worry the ongoing controversy could set the town back after years of significant economic progress.