Littleton Community Center continues to seek grants to upgrade the community house

LITTLETON — As the Littleton Community Center resumes some programming and adds new programs, it continues to seek grants to upgrade the community house and begin the major foundation and renovation work on the carriage barn out back. In late August, the directors were informed that the center was not awarded a requested $1.3 million Northern Border Regional Commission grant for the carriage barn, also called the annex.  As funding continues to be sought for the annex, which was closed more than a decade ago because of foundational and other issues, the center will be applying for a grant of about $500,000 in federal funding from the Community Center Investment Program (CCIP) through the New Hampshire Community Development Finance Authority. If awarded, the CDFA money would cover all of the needed restoration at the community house and go toward such items as tightening up windows and improving the heating system, insulation, and drainage.