U.S. Attorney Nikolas P. Kerest wants to hold all three suspects in jail

U.S. Attorney Nikolas P. Kerest wants to hold all three suspects in jail on drug-related charges in connection with the investigation into the fatal shooting of Kayla Wright, 29. Jakiy Tramaine-Corey Keith, Thomas Rooney and Bryanna Rooney have been charged with conspiracy to distribute narcotics by federal authorities. All three suspects were arrested last week. The Rooneys live at 7021 Vermont Route 100 in the town of Troy. Police said that Jakiy Keith rode up to the Rooneys’ property in a Massachusetts-plated Sedan. According to federal judge Kevin J. Doyle, the detention hearing for all three suspects will occur on Feb. 13. at 1 p.m. for the Rooneys, and 2 p.m. for Jakiy Keith.