Two representatives of the Cross Vermont Trail Association attended recent meeting

PEACHAM — Two representatives of the Cross Vermont Trail Association, Chairman Michael Thomas and Mike McLellan, attended the select board’s recent meeting to discuss plans for a trail to go from the Connecticut River in Wells River to Oakledge Park on Lake Champlain in Burlington. The goal is to go across Vermont and offer trails that spread from the main trail to the nearby communities. The men presented the idea that the association would like to create a connecting route from the Cross Vermont trail in Wells River to the Lamoille Valley Trail in Danville through Ryegate, Barnet, and Peacham. “It would not be an off-road trail, rather a route on some of the roads through these towns,” they said. Select Board members were told that the group’s first step is to get approval from the Select Board to move forward. The effort is not expected to cost participating towns anything except the cost of town road crews to place signs.