The White Mountains Regional School District on June 20 raised school meal prices 20 cents across the board

The White Mountains Regional School District on June 20 raised school meal prices 20 cents across the board for the 2024-2025 school year. By a 4-3 vote, the school board agreed to the following price hikes: Student breakfast ($2.05 to $2.25), elementary lunch ($3.05 to $3.25), high school lunch ($3.30 to $3.50), adult breakfast ($2.30 to $2.50), and adult lunch ($4.05 to $4.25). Free and reduced meals will not be affected. The cost increase will offset inflation, which has more than doubled the cost of some food items. According to food services director Melodie Stevens, WMRSD food services reported a five-figure deficit for the past school year.