The Lyndon Select Board continued discussion on a proposed parking solution for Bandstand Park
The Lyndon Select Board continued discussion on a proposed parking solution for Bandstand Park. Under the proposal, perimeter roads would be made one way and angled parking would be installed along three of the park’s four sides. Original plans called for a loop to travel north to south: From Main Street, to Park Avenue, to Maple Street and back onto Main Street. However, Lyndonville Police Chief Jack Harris recommended traffic travel the other direction so that park traffic empties onto Main Street at a safer location, away from the busy Depot and Main intersection. During a discussion on Monday, the Select Board agreed to take the next steps to explore the idea. Board members will conduct outreach and gather feedback from park abutters, price out granite curbing for the park perimeter, identify locations for curb cuts and ADA parking/access, and determine the impacts of one-way traffic on curbside trash pickup.