The Development Review Board on Thursday heard a proposal for an indoor cannabis grow operation
LYNDON — The Development Review Board on Thursday heard a proposal for an indoor cannabis grow operation. Prescott Small and Alex Mutchler seek conditional use and site plan approval to cultivate cannabis in the former Rick’s Gun Shop at 77 Brook Rd. They plan to start as a Tier 1 indoor growing operation of up to 1,000 square feet of cannabis plants, with a maximum of 300 plants, and said they may someday expand to Tier 2 (up to 2,500 sq. ft.). They would produce dried raw cannabis, pre-rolled joints, and cannabis resin and would sell through off-site retailers and wholesalers. There would be no on-site sales. The project is eligible for permitting as a “light industry use” in a rural residential zone. The Development Review Board will decide on the permit applications within 45 days. Small and Mutchler have not yet submitted applications for cultivation or manufacturing licenses with the state Cannabis Control Board, according to state records, and those approvals would be required as conditions of DRB approval.