Bethlehem Select Board on Monday adopted the resolution

After mulling the placement of an “Everyone Belongs” sign at town hall and a subsequent inclusivity resolution, the Bethlehem Select Board on Monday adopted the resolution, following a revision. During their meeting on July 31, board member Nancy Strand first resented the proposed resolution. Other board members, though, held off on adoption after one board member asked if the town needs another resolution in light of Bethlehem already being a welcoming community and another said he supports it, though with some changes in wording. Since the meeting, Strand and Selectman Mike Bruno met during a work session for the revision. “This was definitely a process that started with the idea of putting a sign at the town hall lawn,” said Strand.  Select Board members Veronica Morris and Bruce Caplain thanked Strand and Bruno for their work. Bruno said he and Strand worked on the revision for about 40 minutes.