​An effort by the state to sell or lease the Caledonia County Airport will extend beyond a hoped-for end-of-year timeframe

LYNDON — ​An effort by the state to sell or lease the Caledonia County Airport will extend beyond a hoped-for end-of-year timeframe. That’s according to Trini Brassard, assistant director, Policy, Planning, and Multimodal Development Division with the Vermont Agency of Transportation. She said in an email that officials are still waiting for a report concerning financing. Back in October, Brassard said state officials hoped to have a decision by Dec. 31. “We will not have a decision by end of year,” she said on Wednesday. “The report from the financial group has not come in yet which is looking at the plans and the ability of the respondents to finance them.” The airport, which the state has owned since it was built in 1972, is on the market because officials with the Agency of Transportation recognized the state cannot address significant and necessary repairs in a timely manner and there is interest in the private sector to acquire it.