Pennsylvania man indicted for grandmothers murder in Easton
Although the motive and incident details have not been released, the case against a Pennsylvania man accused of murdering his grandmother in Easton in September is moving ahead with a grand jury indictment. According to the case summary viewed Thursday, Joshua Lanchester, was indicted on Feb. 21 at Grafton Superior Court on a special class felony count of second-degree murder by “recklessly” causing the death of Cynthia Jean Lanchester, 76, “under circumstances manifesting an extreme indifference to the value of human life, to wit by striking her in the head with a hammer, a deadly weapon.” The incident occurred on Sept. 28 at Cynthia Lanchester’s home along North Peak Drive in Easton. The case has moved from Littleton District Court to Superior Court, with a video arraignment and bail hearing scheduled for 9 a.m. March 17. Lanchester remains in the Grafton County House of Corrections on preventive detention.